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Welcome to our Club!
Greater Van Nuys
Service Above Self
We meet Thursdays at 12:00 PM
Lulu's Restaurant
16900 Roscoe Blvd,
Van Nuys, CA  91406
United States
District Site
Venue Map
Russell Hampton
National Awards Services Inc.
July 7, 2016 Bulletin
Meeting called to order at 12:05
Flag:    Peter Satuloff led us in the Flag Salute
Invocation:      Dr. Zoraida Suarez
Song:   Michael Parenteau  “God Bless America”.
Rotarian Mike Thomas (Assistant Governor District 5280)
Linnaea Mallette
Guest Speaker
Linnaea Mallette
Outgoing President, Marie Valencia officially handed over to our new President, Dave Friedman today.  He welcomed everyone, especially guests to our meeting.
President acknowledged the presence of Rotarian Mike Thomas, Assistant District Governor 5280 to our meeting today.
Dave Friedman also announced that we will be having what he terms “Happy Bucks/Oh My God” at every meeting henceforth.  This is for members to donate any amount of money towards whatever it is they are celebrating. It will also be a form of raising funds for the club.  He encouraged everyone to participate.
Peter Satuloff announced that we will be having a social event for club members and family at a date to be announced soon.  It will be an opportunity for club members to get to know ourselves better.  Please look out for for information on this as time goes on.
Marie Valencia informed that she received a letter of appreciation from the President of Mission College, thanking our club for helping kids who are planning to go to College/University.  The donations we gave will be of great help to these kids. 
James Tenner was called upon to formally introduce our guest speaker.
Guest Speaker: Linnaea Mallette
Linnaea Mallette is a professional speaker and author who has been severely hearing impaired since birth.  She is the recipient of the Oticon Focus on People Award given to twelve individuals nationwide who defy stereotypes about being hearing impaired.  Linnaea enjoyed a 33 year career at UCLA where she was featured in UCLA Today, UCLA Spotlight, and honored with a nomination for the Chancellor’s True Bruin award for her service to the UCLA research community as a training coordinator.  She was a District Governor for Toastmaster International in 2003-04 and received awards for her leadership successes.
Topic of her discussion: Hearing Loss Tips- for those who have it and those who don’t
If they are wearing hearing aids, they can hear.  Hearing ids help, but they do not restore one to perfect hearing.
If they can read lips, they can comprehend what we are saying.  Lip reading, in and of it, is not enough for complete communication.  It helps.
If I shout, they’ll her me.  Loud/Shouting is not necessary and doesn’t help.  Slightly louder, slower, and a bit more articulation does help.
She also gave us a few tips on how to interact with the hearing impaired:
Speak clearly, slowly, distinctly, but naturally, without shouting or exaggerating mouth movements.  According to her, shouting distorts the sound of speech and may make speech reading more difficult. 
Do not talk from another room.  Not being able to see each other when talking is a common reason people have difficulty understanding what is said.  Remember, most of a meaning is conveyed through body language.
Most hearing impaired people have greater difficulty understanding speech when there us background noise.  Try to minimize extraneous noise when talking.  Restaurants are a killer. 
Copied from the pamphlet she provided to us.  For more on this, please visit http.://
Meeting ended at 1:10PM
Visit the club's web site for more information and other stories
send any events updates or suggestions about the web site or bulletin to  Catherine Ibrahim