Flag: Wynne Ritch
Invocation: Richard Miller
Will Hernandez (Guest Speaker)
Shirin Najab
Mary Mendoza (Council Woman)
District Governor's Visit
Governor Beth Hall
Our District Governor will be visiting our Club on September 17, 2020. Let us invite friends and family to join our Zoom meeting that day. This is an opportunity for prospective members to come and learn about rotary and to also ask questions and get answer from our Governor.
President Zoraida Grossman welcomed and thanked everyone for attending our meeting today.
President Zoraida:
With regards to District Governor's visit, she will send out email to everyone with specific assignment for the upcoming meeting with the DG.
Richard Miller
Announced that the District Governor has a background in HRD.
Barbara Pampalone
Informed everyone that she is awaiting the receipts of toothbrushes and floss for the backpacks needed for the October 19 event.
Marie Valencia
Asked if the toothbrushes and floss mentioned are earlier are included in those sought for the Harvest Festival, and Zoraida said they are separate.
Les Grossman(PDG)
Asked the Trustees of GVN Rotary Foundation to wait after our meeting, to vote on approvals from the Board of Directors. Catherine I, Dave F, and Bret F.
It was announced that Wynne Ritch and James Tenner will meet on Tuesday at Lulu's for lunch; All rotarians are invited.
Announced they had a major sponsor drop out now need to ask for tables and chairs. Les Grossman (PDG) informed he can provide a number of tables and chairs to help out.
Les Grossman(PDG)
Informed the club that the BOD had approved the membership of Shirin Mosavi-Nejab. All documentations have been formalized. Les Grossman formally inducted her into the GVN Rotary Club.
Shirin Mosavi-Nejad joins Greater Van Nuys Rotary