Flag: Dave Friedman
Invocation: Wynn Ritch
Kristin Mall (speaker)
Mary Mendoza (Council Woman)
President recognizes and gave thanks to the Granada Hills Rotary Club donation of $500 towards the Ortega Park video system project.
Also, she said the application for our satellite club have been submitted to the District. There are presently 10 prospective members. She also announced that she has children's 5"x7" pads as well as holiday cards for either or both Marie's and Capt. Juan's holiday events.
Marie Valencia:
The kidney Quest Foundation 10/19/20 event will start early in the morning; The start time will be 9:00 AM. Barbara will be there with her materials around 8:00AM. These are 5 boxes of toothbrushes, toothpaste and floss.
Marie Valencia announced that she would need wrapping gift on December 22, 2020 in the Local 300 Hall. The presents are provided to families from twelve non-profit organization throughout the San Fernando Valley. The event this year will be a drive-through. Marie is hopeful that they can decorate the Hall for the night. The bags with the wrapped presents will have names of the organization on it. The presents include shoes, jackets and gift cards for In-And-Out.
Les Grossman (PDG)
Polio Plus challenge is coming up. All are invited to buy tickets for the Rotary District Foundation event at $10 each. Each in the District is asked to put up $300 for the Live Auction Item. A basket filled with goodies/wine is being donated by Dave Friedman, as GVN Rotary contribution to the Foundation Gala
Javier Nunez:
Local 300 received the check for the use of its hall, but it was made out incorrectly. Les and Peter indicated that it will be corrected and resend.
Harvest festival 6 00 PM on 10/31/20 and will be a drive-through event. However, he will welcome Rotarians who wants to come and help out, to please come forward; the youths are going to bag candy.
Capt. Juan:
Announced the Salvation Army has lots of chocolate that it can share during the Halloween/Harvest Festival.
He also said that on Nov, 7, 2020 starting from 4:00 PM in the parking lot at 1417 Victory Blvd, Van Nuys, there will be a Hispanic festival featuring many countries. The 5k Run and Walk is also coming up. As many Rotarians who can participate, are all welcomed.
Donation of school supplies to The Salvation Army recently.
Wynne Ritch
Confirmed that our "Service Above Self" event is now scheduled foe May 21, 2021.