Richard Miller reminded everyone that Capt Juan also has a backpack program for kids.
Raul Castillo:
On behalf of LA Valley College, I would like to express our gratitude to the Greater Van Nuys Rotary Club and its Foundation for funds provided for emergency stipends to nearly 200 students for Covid-19.
Introduction of guest speaker -Dave Friedman.
Erick Garcia - A Real Estate Agent and Scott Salmon - A medicare and health expert.
Scott Salmon spoke extensively about the ACA and Medicare. According to him, Medicare has several parts. Part A is inpatient hospital coverage, Part B is physician and medical coverage. Medicare is limited to 80% of the accepted charges. Part C includes Medicare Advantage plans (usually HMOs) and Medicare Supplemental not covered by Medicare. Part D id for prescription Drugs.
An important thing to know is that there is a "Birthday Rule" for 30 days before and 30 days after one's birthday, that one can change plans and not be denied for pre-existing conditions.
As to ACA, California has its own marketplace. There are situations where one can obtain a premium subsidy. The California mandate still exists despite President Trumps actions on the Federal level. Employers with 50 or less employees are not required to have health insurance for employees. Employers with 50 or more employees are required to have it.
According to Scott, there is a Small Business Health Insurance Tax Credit foe employers with less than 25 employees and another for businesses with less than 10 employees. However, there are conditions in both instances.
Scott and Erick did a quiz at the end of the presentation and Wynne Rich won the prize for knowing that Medicare was established in 1965.
Judy Joke: Was presented by Wynne Ritch.
President announced that the next BOD will be held on August 27, 2020 @ 1:15PM
Happy Bucks:
Thanks to everyone who contributed.