President: Raul Castillo
Raul Castillo has been a member of the Greater Van Nuys Club since 2011 with a break in membership from 2014 to 2016. He has been the Executive Director of the Los Angeles Valley College (LAVC) Foundation for seventeen years where he's been credited for fundraising and generating revenue totaling $20 million to benefit various campus programs and projects as well as providing scholarships and stipends to its students. He is also a member and a past president of the San Fernando Valley Chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP). In 2011, AFP recognized Castillo as its Outstanding Professional. The San Fernando Valley Business Journal recognized Castillo's work with the LAVC Foundation and listed him in its 2004 "40 Under 40," which recognizes executives under 40 years of age doing impactful work for their companies/organizations.