GVNR out going President, Shirin Mosavi-Nejab, presided over her last meeting as president yesterday. It is also worth mentioning that Shirin, won the District 5280 "Rotarian of the Year" Award for 2022/2023 rotary year. On behalf of the Board of Directors and Executives of GVNR, thank you for your leadership of our club, and all we achieved in the year.

Dave Friedman presenting outgoing president Shirin Mosavi-Nejab with a Paul Harris Pin
Greater Van Nuys Rotary Foundation, gave a donation to Children's Hospital during the year. A representative from Children's Hospital was at the meeting to received the check.

Outgoing president, Shirin Mosavi-Nejab, Foundation Chair, Dave Friedman, Wynne Ritch and Rep from Children's Hospital
Our Guest Speaker today was Paul Gross, Past President, Rotary Club of Woodland Hills.

Past President Paul Gross - Rotary Club of Woodland Hills

Visiting Rotarians - Rotary Cub of Woodland Hills during our meeting on Thursday